After Khairul Fahmi, #tanyanajib hit Top 5 most popular Twitter trending topic
When Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak posted on his Twitter and Facebook account that he will be taking questions from the people on Twitter, Malaysian quickly responded by flooding lots of question.
Some of #tanyanajib questions includes;
"Who irons your clothes?" to "will you be attending Justin Bieber concert?". Haha very funny. Not only that, Malaysian full of curiosity by also asking him such like "chicken or egg?" to "original or spicy" and "cermin mata power berapa?" haha
There's one question "if we are 1Malaysia, why do we still have to tick 'race' boxes?" I like this one. One day perhaps we just need to tick either Malaysian or non Malaysian only.
Just my 2 cent.
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