Way to start, a fresh start
Tolong Ingatkan aku that today is the 1st day of college. Mom, like usual, woke me up around 6am (oh that's why I love ya Mama). But mengantuk punya pasal, I just continue my sleep until Abah came and 'eh bangun, ke awak taknak pegi kelas?'
Lol. I quickly jump and mandi manda and can hear he shout my name again. 'Jap jap dah nak siap ni'. Padahal still tak pakai baju adoii.
After that kereta pon jalan. At first place I thought he is going to Shah Alam high court so senanglah terus je gi Subang Jaya, but he told me he is going to Jalan Duta one. Oh shit. Time almost 7.20 and hell no I can reach Subang Jaya on time.
Jalan punya jalan, he and myself, both terlupa yang dah terlepas Sg Buloh station. 'Eh Abah nak hantar abang katne ni?' Encik Abah pula yang tengah fokus oh focus driving tu macam terkejut. 'La camne leh terlupa ni, awak pon diam je tadi'. Padahal aku diam senang sket dia anta gi Subang Jaya hihih.
Then we stuck kat jammed. Jalan Kuching as usual, was fucking terrible. At first place he said he wanna send me to PWTC so I can take komuter there but it could take some time. So I decided to stop by at Taman Wahyu KTM station. My 1st time there, the station is really awesome. It is quite hi-tech, added some modern technologies and so on but well, like usual, mesti ada yang tak kena. Train lambat lagi!
Ha kan da cakap train memang lambat macam biasa. Hadoiyai bila la dorang ni nak improve service ni. You encaurage people to use the public transportation services but the services provided was really sucks. Okeh malas nak cakap pasal benda ni. Kita cakap pon bukan ada effect kat dia. Mungkin diaorang dah berusaha tetapi mengambil masa yang agak lama kut (cewah konon2nya fikir positive)
Hah penat nak menaip. Nanti sambung balik.